The 2Heads team raised money for charity by walking over 500 miles along the scenic Thames Path.

At 2Heads, we believe in pushing boundaries, not just in the work we do for our clients but also in the ways we give back to the community. This year, our UK team took on an incredible challenge to walk from Streatley to Marlow, a distance of 30 miles, within 12 hours. This ambitious endeavour not only tested our endurance and determination but also brought us together.

The Journey

Our journey began in the early hours of the morning, with the majority of our team starting their 30-mile journey from Streatley at 4am. The crisp morning air and the rising sun set the scene for what would become an unforgettable day.

Along the route, we had designated meeting points where additional colleagues joined us. These stops not only provided much-needed encouragement and support but also allowed each group to rest, recover, and share their experiences before embarking on the next leg of the journey.

After hours of walking and countless steps, we finally reached our destination in Marlow. To celebrate this incredible achievement, we were greeted by our family and friends with a joyous picnic in the park. The festive atmosphere, complete with laughter, stories, and delicious food, was the perfect way to cap off such an inspiring and challenging journey.

The Impact

While the primary goal was to complete the walk within 12 hours, the collective effort of our team far exceeded this. Altogether, our agency walked over 800 miles, a testament to the commitment and spirit of every individual involved. More importantly, this challenge was undertaken to support three incredible charities: BBC Children in Need, Macmillan Cancer Support, and Dementia UK. Through our combined efforts, we are proud to announce that we raised over £10,000.

We look forward to how we can raise the bar next year!

Exciting changes are underway at 2Heads, including the addition of many fresh faces!

Can you believe how quickly 2024 is flying by? We’re thrilled to introduce some of the newest members of our 2Heads family.

As a creative agency, we thrive on new perspectives and innovative ideas. Let’s meet our fabulous new team members:

Chantel Ashley – Project Coordinator

With a degree in Events Management, Chantel brings a fresh perspective to our team. During her time at 2Heads, she has excelled in organising and coordinating important events, making her a valuable asset. In her spare time, Chantel is learning Vietnamese. Hopefully, we can secure some projects there so she can practice her new language skills!

Kim Kokolaras – Project Coordinator

Meet Kim, another wonderful addition to the Project team. Kim spent her last nine years from running a successful family-owned venue in South Africa and from there, sinking her teeth in sales, planning and delivery across the Private and Corporate sector making various venues her second home. Watch out for Kim on the dance floor at the next 2Heads social, turns out she has a background in modern and hip-hop dancing!

Tracey Greenholt – Project Manager

With a diverse range of experience, Tracey began her career as a history teacher before swiftly transitioning into events. She started in consumer PR, handling launch events, fashion shows, roadshows, guerrilla marketing campaigns, and photoshoots with a wide range of clients. Tracey looks forward to working with various departments and building strong, long-standing relationships with both existing and new clients.

Martin Clarke – Project Manager

An avid traveler, Martin is no stranger to hopping from country to country for events. He previously worked for exhibition organisers, managing events in various countries, including Russia and India. These events spanned multiple industries, such as fine and specialty chemicals, railway technology, and fasteners and fixings. We’re excited to have you, Martin!

Oli Simmonds – Project Coordinator

Oli brings her unique flair to the Project team, having previously worked in venues as an event lead, organising a range of public events. Outside of work hours, you can find Oli writing her latest script.

Looking to enhance your career in events and work with a dynamic team? Apply today on our Join Us page:

Following a momentous fundraiser last year with the Three Peaks in 24 Hours, our 2Heads team are no strangers to a challenge. This year, our team will walk 500 miles!


This year, our team at 2Heads is embarking on a remarkable journey to support three incredible charities: Dementia UK, BBC Children in Need, and Macmillan Cancer Support. We are thrilled to announce our 500-mile walk along the picturesque Thames Path, starting from Streatley and ending in Marlow. This adventure, filled with scenic beauty and a profound purpose, is more than just a physical challenge—it’s a heartfelt commitment to making a difference.

Why are we walking?

At 2Heads, we believe in the power of community and the importance of giving back. Our charity fundraiser is a testament to our dedication to supporting causes that touch the lives of many. Each step we take is a step towards raising awareness and funds for these vital organisations.

The challenge

We wanted to make this challenge as inclusive as possible so we’ve designed this walk where people can join at any distance and do their part.

The challenge is to walk the Thames path in a 12 hour window with some starting at the crack of dawn to start their 30 miles whilst others get involved later on in the day with whatever distance suits them.

At the end of it, the team will be joined by their family and friends in a celebratory picnic to commemorate the teams efforts.

Who are we doing it for?

We’ve chosen three charities that are close to our hearts.

Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through their Admiral Nurse service. These nurses offer expert guidance and practical solutions, helping families face dementia with more confidence and less fear.

BBC Children in Need works tirelessly to change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in the UK. By funding thousands of projects, they ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive and achieve their potential.

Macmillan Cancer Support offers essential support to people living with cancer and their families. From financial advice to emotional support, Macmillan’s services are a lifeline for many during their toughest times.

Please sponsor our amazing team as they take on this challenge and help make a change today by clicking here.

Nadine Susel | Senior Account Director

C2 touched down last week in the Grand Quay of the Old Port of Montreal – much to the delight of thought leaders, rainmakers and event magicians from across North America. But what it is about this conference that causes Creative Avengers to Assemble with such caffeine-fueled enthusiasm? 

It starts with the programme – three days, three topics, multiple sessions per day – a “choose your own adventure” format that very much appeals to a deadline centric audience.  

Day 1: Experiential + Immersive  

Day 2: Innovation + Sustainability 

Day 3: AI + Commerce 

Now listen, I could write an entire dissertation about the topics covered at C2. Everything from defamiliarization to sustainable agriculture – psychographics to bias in machine learning was discussed. But your time is precious dear reader, and today I’m going to focus on the one burning question that came up repeatedly in every session: 

What’s Next? 

From the world of experiential, it is the rise of fandom-focused brand activations – creating the right conditions for an invested audience to contribute to a specific moment in time. Pause here for a moment, because if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it did it really make a sound? This is where the all-powerful (and much debated) infinity gauntlet that is AI enters the chat. 

Disclaimer: discussing AI can cause flashes of a dystopian future where machine learning has taken over, and Keanu Reeves is our only hope of salvation. But take a deep breath and hear me out – it’s not as scary as it sounds. 

How many of you have captured metrics and KPIs from your events, only to have them filed away in a shared drive as a poorly formatted Google Sheet? More recently how many of you have said “we should integrate AI” (presumably in a professional setting) without fully understanding how it can actually add value? Most importantly, how do you connect with your audience, inspiring them to break their routines and invest in your activation? 

AI has been around since the 1950s, but the rise of data technologies has made it easier than ever to gather, store and analyze massive datasets. Training AI models has enabled us to “build a better mousetrap” – that is to say learn from ourselves and the world around us at lightning speed. Apply this to your event strategy and you have one heck of a pressure cooker for innovation.  

Let’s get back to real life applications, shall we? If you design an experience with very clear KPIs, and then sprinkle some AI stardust on your event strategy – you will have created an experience fueled by the energy of your audience. For example, if you’re designing an activation for the Olympic Games in Paris this July, where merch sales and fan engagement are your measures of success, you can use AI to incentivize engagement (Nike recently co-created 13 pairs of AI-generated sneakers with 40 world-class athletes in a buildup to the Games). By creating a compelling campaign, fans are encouraged to provide personal details (image, age, interest) to receive a personalized output (personalized artwork, merchandise and social media content) and in turn providing you (the architect) with a volume of data that AI can then analyze for consumer engagement trends. Ex “guests ages 40+ were 3x more likely to customize their own sneakers than to create a generative AI Athlete version of themselves running track” 

The only limit is input – how can you phrase your question correctly to get the desired output? This specific language has become a coveted skillset that goes far beyond asking ChatGPT for a weekend itinerary in Monaco.  

Like I said – I could go on for ages – but believe me when I say that C2 Montreal is a fantastic opportunity to network and be inspired, in a city characterized by its love of thinking outside the box. So what’s next? It is a dialogue between creators and consumers that transcends transaction to focus on relationships. Storytelling that builds spontaneously on a diverse set of narratives – where we continuously learn to speak the language of our audience in order to generate better content that continues to increase value over time.  

Garbage in, garbage out – but fine-tuned automated data entry combined with machine learning? Now that’s something I want to know more about! 
This your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. – Morpheus 

2Heads return to Vegas with Airbus, Bombardier, Rolls-Royce, CAE and Vista for the annual NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition.

The highlight of the US business jet world and the home for the National Business Aviation Association’s annual convention, NBAA gathers the best of the jet industry together under the Las Vegas sunshine.

The large-scale event took over the Las Vegas Convention Center and Henderson Executive Airport, and welcomed 25,000 professionals, each one a decision maker, buyer or a influential personnel from companies at the heart of business aviation.

Hosting these professionals during one of aviation’s busiest conventions is always a challenge. 2Heads partnered with Airbus, Bombardier, Rolls-Royce, CAE and Vista to create branded enviroments that stood out from the rest and adhered to five key event principles:

From chalets to statics, exhibitions to meeting spaces, 2Heads created environment that sustained each brand’s unique vision and demands from NBAA. Event technology focused on sound and touch to explain current and future capabilities while branded homes provided the luxury and comfort synonymous with business aviation.

If you would be interested in learning more about our award-winning experiences and events, please contact us here.

2Heads wins a place for the 2nd year on EventMarketer’s Top 100 Agency List, recognising the best event agencies serving the experiential industry.

We’re delighted to announce that for the second year in a row, 2Heads has made the Event Marketer’s It List as one of the top 100 agencies driving the experiential marketing industry forward.

Beyond celebrating our 40th year as an independent agency, 2Heads, known for harnessing the power of experiential marketing, were singled out by the judges for delivering a host of award-winning experiences.

2022-23 saw 2Heads develop interactive themed entertainment for Legoland, throw stunning parties for Disney and form partnerships with new clients De Beers and Sega. The Sega @ Anime expo was a big moment for us, collaborating with the iconic gaming brand at one of the fastest growing events in North America.

The editors of Event Marketer magazine, look for creativity and results when presenting their annual special report. Another special nod was given to our ongoing work in sustainability and the creation of eco-conscious events.

The IT List recognises the top 100 event marketing agencies worldwide, differentiated by their services, creativity, evolution and, importantly, results.

Click here for the full 2023 Top 100 IT List.

2Heads are thrilled to welcome more six new recruits to the family, each one bringing their own creativity and personality to the team.

2Heads welcomes new joiners to both the London and North American arms of the agency as their unprecedented growth continues through 2023.

Being a creative agency, 2Heads love bringing people on board to help give us a fresh perspective on our work. Let’s meet our fabulous new team members:

Zheheng Lai – Experiential Designer, LA

Introducing Zheheng, our newest LA team member! With a background in architectural design, exhibition, marketing, and brand design, Zheheng brings a fresh perspective to our creative family. Zheheng is also the owner of two Shiba Inu pups! Here at 2Heads we’re all about the doggos!

Daniel Manning – Project Manager, London

We are thrilled to welcome Daniel to the 2Heads family! With a remarkable 15 years of experience in the events industry, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team. But that’s not all! Daniel’s passion for making a positive impact extends far beyond event management. He is actively involved in local charity work, particularly focusing on the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. We’re very excited to have Daniel has part of the team. 

Ehsaan Mesghali – Creative Director, LA

Introducing our new North America Creative Director, Ehsaan, who’s bringing his exceptional expertise to our team in LA! With years of experience collaborating with some of the world’s most renowned brands, he’s a true visionary in the industry. Ehsaan is also a proud member of Farhang Foundation’s Fine Arts Council, helping promote Iranian heritage through partnerships with established cultural institutions across the greater Los Angeles region.

Scott Turner – CAD, London

With an impressive 19 years of experience in 2D CAD, 3D visualization, and art working, Scott is a true master of design. We’re beyond excited to have his expertise onboard! Scott cannot wait to get creative and work with the team!

Daniel Warwick – Creative Producer, London

Daniel Warwick has a diverse range of experience. From working on a year-long build for a interactive installation in LA to leading a team in the live re-creation of Battle of Trafalgar presented in front of the Royals, Daniel comes to us with a very specific task on one of our most unique and exciting projects. We can’t wait to see the end results, we know for sure that Daniel will not disappoint. Did you know that Daniel has also been part of a band for 12 years? We will definitely need front row seats for his next show!

Ammon Ilgan – Project Manager US

Ammon joins our LA team and brings with him a wealth of experience in field marketing, production and project management for experiential marketing agencies. Ammon previously worked on campaigns with State Farm, Uber Eats and LA Rams, and is looking forward to his life with 2Heads, being able to collaborate with creative minds to bring fun and exciting projects to life! Not only multi-talented, Ammon is multi-lingual, speaking English, Tagalog (Filipino), and Spanish.

If you want to be part a dynamic work environment that nurtures creativity and fosters personal and professional growth, then apply today on our Join Us page:

The 2Heads UK team are all smiles, and maybe a few achy knees, after completing the Three Peaks Challenge, scaling the heights of Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, and Snowdon.

With months of planning and training, we couldn’t be happier with the outcome. The support and the outstanding donations have been overwhelming. We’re delighted to have raised over £10,000 for our three charities Freely Fruity, Young Minds and Great Ormond Street.

So what were the challenges?

Despite all the training, nothing can prepare you for the real thing. The biggest challenges were not only three highest mountains in the UK but the limited hours of sleep, endless service station sandwiches and the aches and pains made worse by a total of 16 hours of driving from Scotland to England to Wales and then back to the office!

Starting at 06:00 in Fort William, Scotland, the adventure began. Our 19 walkers were quickly strung out in smaller groups up and down the 1345m peak, ending with a range of finish times from 3 hours 40 minutes to 10 hours. The team quickly realised this adventure wasn’t going to be straight forward.

The second climb, Scafell Pike, was a different challenge with an immediate uphill struggle and river crossing to negotiate. At this stage the fellowship had split into two groups with the first 12 walkers completing the climb despite low visibility and gale force winds (well it was July!) just as night fell. Our second brave group, a few hours behind on the journey down from Scotland, began their climb in pitch blackness and declining weather conditions, completed the climb in just under 5 hours and got on the road to join the first group over in Wales.

As the challenge came to a close on Mt Snowdon, the team were at varying levels of breaking point but one by one made their way to the top of Wales to reach the third and final summit of the Three Peaks once again in a grey windy whirlwind. A truly epic adventure and one the team won’t forget in a hurry, even if they wanted to.

What kept the team going?

Our Project Coordinator Lauren felt that teamwork was the key. “Motivation from the team was a big factor in getting us all across the line. Everyone had their own individual areas where they excelled and equally their challenges. Quickly learning what peoples strengths and weaknesses were and being able to adapt to help specific people when they needed it was the best way to all stay motivated.” Teamwork makes the dreamwork, as they say.

Overall, the team found the experience to be hugely rewarding and are so thankful for all the support that’s been given. Our 2D Designer Michael is already super keen to get back on those mountains “I would absolutely do it again! Despite the challenges I really enjoyed the whole experience and kind of missed it as soon as I got home.” Others may feel differently, but we love the spirit, Michael!

A MASSIVE well done to our 2Heads UK team for completing their Three Peaks Challenge and raising a huge amount for our charities. What will the next adventure be? Stay tuned.

We’re delighted to welcome 13 awesome new starters to the 2Heads family

In our 40th year of trading and our most successful year on record across each of our global offices, we’re delighted to be welcoming 13 new recruits across a multitude of agency functions and locations.

Here’s the first of the batch – welcome aboard guys – we can’t wait to see the impact you’ll make for our clients!

Adam Goldie – Business Development Manager, Global

With a background in organizing B2B events, Adam is no stranger to working with award shows, exhibitions, and exhibitions. Some of these experiences include organising high profile events with the likes of Clarion, Centaur Media and DMG. Adam will take charge of conducting new business and add to our already incredible client list. Next time you’re at a show, keep an eye out for Adam. He’s a friendly face you won’t want to miss! 

2Heads new joiner Adam Goldie our business development manager

Moyah Merola – Office Manager, London

Undoubtedly, it is safe to say that Moyah understands the importance of making sure everything runs smoothly. With her extensive experience in owning and operating two successful restaurants and her own small events business, Moyah brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team. We’re so happy to have Moyah onboard and hopefully we can get the coffee machine fixed!  

2Heads new office manager Moyah Merola

Rav Saundh – Marketing Executive, Global

Rav has a comprehensive skill set in Media Production, Social Media and Digital Marketing making Rav a perfect fit for 2Heads. In her new role, Rav will be the face of 2Heads across all social platforms, representing our brand with her unique creative style. We can’t wait to see her magic unfold! Who knows, with Rav onboard, we might just become the next big sensation on TikTok!

2Heads welcomes Rav Saundh who is our marketing executive

Tasnima Shah – Project Manager, London

Tasnima graduated from the University of Greenwich with a degree in Events Management and then went on to start her career as a freelance Event Coordinator. Excitingly, Tasnima has already dipped her toe in her first 2Heads event at Royal Ascot 2023!

2Heads new joiner Tasnima Shah the project manager

Libby Penny – Junior Project Manager, London

Recently graduating from Oxford Brookes University with a degree in Events Management, Libby kickstarted her career in the hustle and bustle of London at an events agency. This helped Libby pick up her core experience in the industry. Libby is looking forward to getting involved within a collaborative, team-focused culture with the opportunity to learn and grow her skills working on some inspiring brand experiences.

2Heads latest recruit Libby Penny junior project manager

Danielle Ferreira – Project Accountant, London

We are happy to have Danielle as our newest addition to the finance team in London. Previously, Danielle worked as a finance business partner but don’t let the serious job title fool you. Danielle adds a vibrant and bubbly personality to the office, making every day a little brighter. With her extensive financial experience and infectious positivity, Danielle is already proving an incredible asset to our team.

2Heads new joiner Danielle Ferreira the project accountant

Michael Thompson – Creative Lead, London

Michael has extensive experience in the events industry in career spanning over 20 years. Starting life as an art worker led Michael on to bigger and greater things including winning awards for GSMA-CONNECTED CITY at Mobile World Congress. Nothing excites Michael more about being at 2Heads than working closely within in a creative team producing magic together in the world of brand experiences. Welcome to the team Michael!

2Heads welcomes new joiner Michael Thompson the creative lead

If you want to be part a dynamic work environment that nurtures creativity and fosters personal and professional growth, then apply today on our Join Us page: